mutool trace#

The trace command prints a trace of device calls needed to render a page.

mutool trace [options] file [pages]


Command line parameters within square brackets [] are optional.


Options are as follows:

-p password

Use the specified password if the file is encrypted.

-W width

Page width in points for EPUB layout.

-H height

Page height in points for EPUB layout.

-S size

Font size in points for EPUB layout.

-U filename

User CSS stylesheet for EPUB layout.


Disable document styles for EPUB layout.


Use display list.


Input file name. The input can be any of the document formats supported by MuPDF.


Comma separated list of page ranges. The first page is “1”, and the last page is “N”. The default is “1-N”.

The trace takes the form of an XML document, with the root element being the document, its children each page, and one page child element for each device call on that page.

An example trace:

<document filename="hello.pdf">
<page number="1" mediabox="0 0 595 842">
<fill_path winding="nonzero" colorspace="DeviceRGB" color="1 0 0" transform="1 0 0 -1 0 842">
<moveto x="50" y="50"/>
<lineto x="100" y="200"/>
<lineto x="200" y="50"/>
<fill_text colorspace="DeviceRGB" color="0" transform="1 0 0 -1 0 842">
<span font="Times-Roman" wmode="0" trm="100 0 0 100">
<g unicode="H" glyph="H" x="50" y="500" />
<g unicode="e" glyph="e" x="122.2" y="500" />
<g unicode="l" glyph="l" x="166.6" y="500" />
<g unicode="l" glyph="l" x="194.4" y="500" />
<g unicode="o" glyph="o" x="222.2" y="500" />
<g unicode="!" glyph="exclam" x="272.2" y="500" />

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